These are links some important websites that relate to the United Methodist Church.  Please Click on the Links Below.

Rob Renfroe Videos about Global Methodist Church (Pro GMC):

1. The United Methodist Church is Divided and Dividing.
2. Our Differences Regarding the Bible.
3. Our Differences Regarding Jesus:
4. Our Differences Regarding Sexuality:
5. Why It’s Time for Traditionalists to Leave.
6. Where Should We Go:

Adam Hamilton Responds to Rob Renfroe (Pro UMC):

1. Why UMC?
2. Moving Forward with the UMC:
3. A Future with Hope:
4. Human Sexuality:
5. Committed to Christ:
6. Love of Scripture:

Lovett H. Weems, Jr., What’s Next for the United Methodist Church?
Bishop Michael McKee: Misinformation in the Church:
Rev. Adam Hamilton: A Future with Hope:
Rev. Adam Hamilton & Rev. John Stephens: That We May Be One:
Bishop Thomas J. Bickerton urges End to Falsehoods, Pivot to Future:
Ask the UMC: Is the UMC Really…?
United Methodist Church (UMC) and Global Methodist Church (GMC) Comparison:
A Comprehensive Comparison Chart, UMC, Transitional GMC – WCA Proposals:


United Methodist Church (UMC):

1. Who We Are, Our People?
2. UMC Next:
3. UM News: Comprehensive Information and News about The United Methodist Church:
4. Reconciling Ministries Network:
5. Mainstream UMC, United Methodist Advocacy group working the unity in the Body of Christ:
6. Mainstream UMC, Our Critical Mission:

Global Methodist Church (GMC):

1. Welcome to the Global Methodist Church:
2. Wesleyan Covenant Association:
3. Mississippi Methodism:
4. Firebrand, Ministry or Spirit and Truth:
5. The Institute on Religion and Democracy:
6. Good News Magazine:

Disaffiliation Timeline

Book of Discipline Paragraph 2549.
Book of Discipline Paragraph 2553.